> Stormed Right Into Your Heart > by AndrewsArchive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Stormed Right Into Your Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Don't you think it's it's a little excessive to go down to the beach like, every other day?" "Hey, Autumn is right around the corner, and I have zero intention to not go down to the beach while we still can. Besides, you did say you wanted to get outside more often." "Fair enough.." You and Zipp both head on down to Maretime Bay's beach for another typical hangout day. You had to admit, her wanting to make the best of summer this year while she still can was pretty impressive. And you honestly couldn't help but love that about her. As a matter of fact, you've always enjoyed being around Zipp the most out of any pony in this new world you found yourself in. You and her always showed the same interests in things. She would come to you many times to vent her frustrations about life or anything else. Plus, you two did tend to be pretty sarcastic at one another. You remembered the first day you met her, her younger sister Pipp Petals., and her other friends, Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, Misty Brightdawn, and Hitch Trailblazer. "What the hay is this thing?" "Is this an alien or something?" "Oh my gosh! This is so going online!" "Hang on. Shouldn't we be more concerned about what this even is before we do anything?" "Wait, I've heard of these creatures... It's one of those humans!" "Oohh, a human! What's a human, Sunny?" You could feel yourself regaining consciousness as you heard six voices talking. You could hardly remember what happened to you. All that you could hear currently was some voices talking. Five of the voices sounded like females while one sounded male. You groan as you slowly opened your eyes which got the attention of the source of the six voices. From your vison, you saw what looked to be multicolored blobs. "Look! The humans waking up!" "This so exciting! It's an actual human here in Equestria! I can't believe this is actually happening!" As your vision slowly returned, the blobs were now seen as six different multicolored ponies who were all staring at you with either looks of excitement, confusion, or worry. "Hi new friend!" The purple pony with a blue mane suddenly spoke up. "We come in peace!" "Uhh... hi?" You reply to her. Was this real? Are you on drugs or something? There's no way you're talking to a unicorn. Let alone a talking one. "Hi there!" The orange pony spoke up, "Are you able to get up?" "I... think I can try.." You say as you sit up while holding your head. "Ohh, you poor thing!" The short pink pegasus pony said as she helped you up. "I don't know what must’ve happened to you, but it must’ve been hurtful!" "I have never seen anything like this in my whole life!" The yellow pony said. He sounded like the only male of the group. "Yeah! Who would've thought a human actually could end up here! In Equestria! It's so surreal!" The orange one spoke up again in a giddy voice. "They're not gonna hurt us, is he?" The blue unicorn spoke up. "Hey, don’t worry Misty. They seem nice so far!" The orange one addressed the blue one, supposedly Misty was her name. However, the white pony with the magenta and blue mohawk in particular seemed like she was examining your body. Getting a bit too close for comfort. "Interesting..." She spoke up, "If this... human came from another world, Sunny. Then, they could be considered a threat since they're technically an alien." "Oh my gosh! I didn't think of that, Zipp!" Sunny said as she started to look worried. "What if they get sent to a lab and we can't get them out! Or..or.." "Settle down there, Sunny." The yellow one said to her. "We can protect this human at all costs." "Are you sure you all can handle that?" You ask, "I mean... we literally just met." "Don't worry about that now." Zipp said putting her front hoof around you. "If anypony tries to mess with you. They'll have to get through us first!" "Oh definitely!" The pink pegasus spoke up, "We'll make sure of it that you'll love it here in Maretime Bay!" "Yeah.. Besides, I've always wanted to know what you humans do in your world." Zipp then held up what looked to be a phone as she spoke into it. "New entry: A human's mysterious arrival." "I honestly do want to make you feel welcome here with us." Sunny smiled at you, "Even if it takes us the rest of our lives to make you feel welcome here." You felt some sort of relief as she said that. These six ponies have just met you, and they're willing to dedicate their lives to make you feel comfortable in this new world. And so, you did reach Maretime Bay with your six friends by your side. And just like you expected, the residents there were either terrified of you. Or they were staring at you in awe. You couldn't really blame them since they've never seen a human before. But that didn't mean you never were able to make friends there. Pipp's co-workers Jazz Hooves and Rocky Riff both saw you as a friend. Those three younger ponies that Pipp likes to call, the Pipsqueak trio seemed excited when they first saw you. Even this pony named Posey, while incredibly skeptical of your existence at first, actually started to get along with you as time went on. There was also Queen Haven, who was quite in a state of astonishment seeing you. She claimed to have at least heard of your kind at some point. But what made being in Maretime Bay worth it was the six friends you made. Pipp would tend to drag you into doing social media trends and many others things against your will. But you honestly couldn't say no to her adorable face. Izzy would always show you one of her newest creations. You were impressed by her creativity. But when you heard her calling it "unicycling," you decided not to correct her about that. Hitch would always check up on you every now and then to see how you were doing. He always was a great pony to rely on since he took his job as the sheriff very seriously. You also got along with his baby dragon, Sparky who took a good liking to you. Misty would always tell you about her struggles with this evil alicorn named Opaline and how abusive she was towards her. You were glad Misty turned against her in the end in secret. And she'd always give you a comforting hug if you felt homesick. Sunny would always ask about the human world and what it was all like. You always described in specific details what life is like on Earth. She would eventually reveal how she knew of your kind by revealing that she idolized a mare called Twilight Sparkle who went to the human world to retrieve a stolen crown. But most importantly, you had a strong relationship with Zipp out of them all. Just like above, you and her shared similar interests. And whenever Zipp was frustrated or stressed about something. You'd always be their to comfort her and vise versa. "Alright! This looks like a good place!" Zipp says, breaking you out of your thoughts. She puts her towel down along with yours on the sand near the edge of the wall. and puts up an umbrella. "This should do it." "Alright, what's the plan now?" You ask her, making her "Now we get to cool off!" She said she pulls out a bottle of sunblock. "Not until we put this stuff on first!" "Right..." You say, "Almost forgot about that.." "Y'know, on any other day. I'd be annoyed with everypony not being here. But hey, at least we have the beach to ourselves!" Zipp says. You nodded your head in agreement. You remembered when Zipp told you about the time she tried to convince everypony to cool off at the beach with no success at first. But at least Misty actually took her advice in the end. And you also felt bad for her when everypony actually did come down here that day, but didn't see it as Zipp's idea. "Oh yeah, do you think you can help me out with putting some of this stuff on my back?" She asked as she handed you the container. "Uhh... uh.. sure.." You couldn’t help but blush as you took the container out of her hoof. You opened it and let the sun block splatter into your hand. You then started rubbing it across Zipp's back. You felt how soft she was as you caressed all the goopy substance across the pegasus' back while being careful around her wings. You also made sure to not go near her rump. You may be friends with her, but you were far from a pervert. You eventually stopped rubbing it on her, feeling contempt that it was good enough. "Thanks, bud." She said, "Now it's your turn!" You could feel the blush returning as Zipp walked behind you and let some of the sun block splatter a bit over her hoof. You felt chills crawling down your back suddenly as Zipp started rubbing it all over your back. You couldn’t tell if it was from how cold the sunscreen was, or that Zipp was technically massaging your back. Either way, it was a very nice feeling. "Okay, that should do it!" Zipp spoke up as she finished up. As you turned to face her, a mischievous grin spread across her face. "Race you to the water." "Oh your on, Princess." You smirked back, obviously getting Zipp flustered for referring to her as her current title. You and Zipp both ran towards the ocean at full speed. Unfortunately for you, Zipp wasn't actually running, she was flying and had the better advantage. And she obviously beat you to it. But you were a good sport about it. For the rest of the afternoon, you and Zipp had your usual fun at there. You'd both surf on the waves, have a few splash fights against one another, build sandcastles. Heck, you'd even see who could hold their breath underwater the longest. You and Zipp now both relaxed together as it was now dusk. You and her both watched watched the sunset as it was slowly setting into the horizon. You and her were pretty exhausted from all the fun today that you both needed to relax. "The sunset sure is beautiful today, isn’t it?" You ask her. "Mmhmm. Couldn't agree more." She replies before turning to you. "Y'know, I've been meaning to ask you something?" "Ask away." You replied quickly. Zipp seemed a bit nervous as she looked like she was unsure if she should ask you what was on her mind. You didn't say anything as you wanted her to feel comfortable asking whatever she was thinking. After a bit, she sighed as she then spoke up. "Did you ever consider not wanting to leave this world and head back to your own...?" That question hit you hard like a bag of bricks. You had to admit to yourself that you've always had this thought before. You've missed your friends and family ever since you got here and you desperately wanted to return back to Earth just so you can show them you're okay. But at the same time, you've grown so accustomed to your new life in Maretime Bay. You've made great friends here and nowadays, the ponies have started to feel more comfortable with your presence. "I-I... well...uhh.." You stuttered, trying to find the right words. You eventually let out a dejected sigh. "Yeah... I do... it's just... I feel like if I decided to stay here in this world. Its an utter selfish choice..." Zipp couldn't help but give you a sad look as you continued. "I..I mean, my friends and family are probably worried sick about me. And... I just want to see them just so I could show that I'm still alive..." Zipp then puts a reassuring hoof on your shoulder as she looks directly at you and smiles. "Hey, I'm sure we can figure it out together." She says, "Besides, what if we could find a way for you to be able to travel to both worlds at anytime you wish? It'll be tough to do, but I'm sure we'll find a way!" You felt tears slowly streak down your cheeks as you were touched by Zipp's words. She really was an amazing pony to be friends with. "When did you get to be so insightful?" You smiled at her. Zipp chuckles, "I have my moments. Besides, you've been a really cool pon..err... person since we've first met that day!" "Heh... thanks, Zipp.." You reply. You suddenly feel Zipp get closer to you. "Y'know, a part of me was hoping you would agree to stay." "How so?" "Well... Ever since we became friends, you've always been amazing around me and the others. You're cool, you're funny, you're a really sweet person all around!" Zipp then looked around to see if anypony else was around and sighed in relief as she saw you and her were still the only ones on the beach. "And to be blunt..." she continued, "As the time went on, I started to see you as more than just a friend....or even best friends... or even... well, you get it." "W-wait... a-are you saying...?" You ask with a moment of realization kicked in. "Yeah... I never thought I'd ever admit this. But I like you... And I mean that much..." You were pretty taken aback by Zipp's confession. You never thought that she'd ever have thoughts like this. Since well.. you're a human. And she's a pony. It could be considered taboo. "Zipp, I don't know what to say..." You spoke up. "I never thought that you of all ponies would confess your feelings. And there'd be no reason to be with you since we're different species and al-" "Do I need a reason to want to be with you?" You could feel yourself blushing as red as a tomato. Even Zipp saw that and laughed at your flustered expression. You eventually calmed down as you looked back into Zipp's eyes. "Thank you Zipp. And you know what? You're right, I couldn't care less if the two of us are different species. Heck, I don't even care what anypony else thinks. I honestly feel the same way!" Before you know it, Zipp had embraced you into a tight hug. Her thoughts were racing. She couldn't believe that you actually loved her back. Never did Zipp once think in her lifetime that she would ever fall in love with you. But she didn't care at all. "Alright. Alright. Take it easy there, Zipp." You said as you gently pulled away from her. Zipp chuckled nervously as she rubbed the back of her head. "Sorry about that... This is just all a lot to take in for me." "Hey, don’t sweat it," you reassured her, "So anyway... I guess it's settled then?" Zipp nodded at your question with a big smile on her face, giving you confirmation that you two were now officially a couple. Though this was the happiest moment for you and her. You worried about what Sunny and the others would think. Or even the rest of Maretime Bay. Or even worse what her mom would think about one of her daughters dating a literal alien. You were once again taken out of your thoughts as you felt something resting on your shoulder. Turning your head to see Zipp resting her head against it. You felt your worries wash away within a matter of seconds. Perhaps now wasn't the time to think about what everypony else would think. Now you just felt at ease seeing how adorable Zipp was being. (Even if she probably didn't want to admit it.) "Heh... I knew you were a big softie deep down there.." You said with a smirk on your face. "Yeah, well. You can't prove it to anypony." Zipp smirked back as you felt Zipp spread one of her multicolored wings and wrapped it around you while staring into the sunset with you. You now knew that the future seemed more delightful now with your new marefriend by your side. "Aww! Look at that, mom! I knew they'd eventually get together! I just knew it!" Pipp said as she and Queen Haven were secretly watching on you and Zipp from above. Queen Haven couldn't help but giggle at her youngest daughter's words. "It's kind of a shame though. I thought Zephyrina would end with the sheriff. But I suppose not every fantasy can become a reality!" > BONUS: Last Day of Summer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So... this was something you did not expect to happen tonight... It's been a long while since Zipp and you had become a couple. She said that she wasn't ready to tell the others yet. You agreed to that mainly because you didn't want to stress her out about it. Unfortunately for you two, you were completely oblivious that her sister and mother, Pipp Petals and Queen Haven already knew that. But that was beside the point. You and she were a thing now. Ever since the day she confessed, the beach days were more special after that. Even though sometimes Misty would unwittingly third wheel. But she was also great to have around. Now we cut to today, it was the last day of Summer. So, you and Zipp went down to the beach once again. But you and her wanted to make it worth it. So, the day was spent having fun in the water, surfing competitions, stronger splash fights, you name it. However, the two of you might've had fun a bit too hard as at the end of the day, you and Zipp were utterly exhausted and nearly out of energy. As you and her exited the beach one final time until next year, she turns her head to look at you. "So... You think it was worth it in the end?" Zipp asked you. "Probably our best yet." You reply, making Zipp smirk as you continued walking by her side. You and Zipp both trudged up to the Brighthouse. You were cursing to yourself in your head because of how you and she had to walk all the way up there. Despite this, you two both made it up to there and entered the Brighthouse, catching the attention of Sunny, Pipp, Izzy, Misty, and Hitch as they saw you two both tired in the eyes. "I'm guessing the last beach day of the year was worth it?" Sunny asked. You and Zipp both nodded as she spoke up. "Made it worth every second." "You two definitely looked like you had a blast!" Izzy beamed, "Sorry we couldn't come down with you guys, though." "Ehh... don't worry about it..." You said, trying to keep your heavy eyelids open, but you form a smug grin with a small bit of energy you still had. "But you all owe us next year." "Deal." The five ponies agreed. "Anyway, we're gonna go get some early shuteye." Zipp said before yawning, "We might've had a bit too much fun, today. But it was worth it." Sunny giggled. "Alright, you two sleep well. Glad you were able to make the last day of summer worth it." You gave Sunny a thumbs up before continuing with Zipp up to the bedroom. You groaned seeing the stairs, as if the way up to the Brighthouse wasn't enough. Despite that, you still bit the bullet and walked up to the second floor with Zipp by your side. You reach her bed as she uses the last of her energy to fly up onto her bed and she gets comfortable. She then turns her attention to you and pats the empty side of her bed as a welcoming gesture. "Come on, bud. You too." She says, leaving you in a state of confusion. Was she... wanting to cuddle with you? That almost seemed out of character for her. "A-are you sure?" You ask, "What if anypony sees us when they walk up here?" "Relax, I'm sure they'll be as tired as us when they get into their beds. They won't even notice us." Zipp assured you. You were a bit skeptical about wanting to take that risk just for her. A part of you wanted to just sleep on the couch to save her the embarrassment if the others were to see you and her cuddling. But at the same time, you knew that Zipp was a very soft pony physical-wise. But if she was willing to take said risk, you decided to oblige her because you wanted to make her happy. You climb up onto Zipp's bed and lay beside her. You had to admit, it was probably the most comfortable bed you've been in ever since you first came to Equestria. "So... now what?" You ask her. Zipp thought for a second. She thought of all the best ways to snuggle with her human boyfriend. She then came up with a great idea. "Come closer..." Zipp said. You did what she had told as you scooched closer to her. Zipp then reached one of her hooves out to behind your head and pulls you in closer. As she did your head was basically near her chest. Zipp continued to hold you close to her. Her chin was basically on top of your head. She then spread one of her wings and wrapped it around you for extra comfort. "Mmm... this is nice..." Zipp cooed. You couldn’t agree more. You then raised your free arm and wrapped it around her barrel. Zipp started rubbing your back in response to that. You felt the chills return crawling around your entire body. But it felt great to have Zipp's hooves rubbing behind you. "We should do this more often..." You said, after letting out a giant sleepy yawn. "As long as we're never caught by everypony else downstairs, that is..." Zipp replied. You felt at ease. She really is adorable even if she doesn't admit things like that. As you and her continued to embrace each other. You hear her suddenly start snoring. She was out cold already? And Pipp was right from that ASMR video, her snores were pretty hard. At least not as bad as it was from that Flight Training thing she does. But you weren't going to let that bother you. Because you felt incredibly comfortable with her. You then let out another yawn as you slowly drifted off. You honestly never wanted to let her go. And you had a feeling she had the same idea. But unbeknownst to the both of you, Pipp had taken a photo of you two. But she made sure to turn off her flash so she couldn't wake you and Zipp up. The short pegasus then tiptoed quickly back to her bed while absolutely giggling to herself quietly. "Mom is so gonna gush about this once I send it to her!" She whispered as she got cozy in her bed and fell asleep.