//------------------------------// // Cold Draft // Story: Sunny Shores - That's Where I Wanna Be // by Mokoma //------------------------------// "Here!" Cried out the mare. "We've got a live one! I have a pulse! Get the fucking tools here now before she bleeds out, we need to remove the debris and amputate the leg!" It was so cold that Strawberry felt numb. "Hey, it's okay..." The blue mare wearing a medic's helmet leaned in, putting her hand on her cheek. "It's okay baby...Just hang on...Please, just hang on. Okay? Please hang on. I found a photo in your jacket. Little green filly and a red stallion...Please think about them right now, okay? O-Our hospital is right in Vrponsko, they'll be able to visit you immediately. Just please, hang on..." She said, gently stroking Strawberry's cheek, before turning to shout at the other River soldiers. "MORONS, I needed those tools here YESTERDAY! Start cutting the damn wood pinning her other hoof down, NOW! And get me morphine, stat!" It was so cold that Strawberry felt weak... And yet, Strawberry was able to reach a hoof forward. Not at the mare - who was now focused on taking out a bonesaw. But at the little patch of open clouds that revealed the sun - shining upon her if not but a brief moment. She whispered weakly, forcing a sad smile past her bloodied lips. "...Y-You guys are...real...sentimental..." It was so cold that Strawberry felt frozen to the bone. But as long as she remembered Sunny Shores... The warmth in her heart would never fade away.