> The Beauty of Friendship > by coolpony01 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beauty of Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had a strange feeling as I walked down the corridor; everything around me began to change, like a magic trick. Everything changed where at once the lavious green and medal of home became a stealing calming shadow and a beautiful calming blue like the ocean as well as various other color shades of purple, like yellow, even pale white sparks that looked like the stars. It held a beautiful glow that illuminated the steel castle and made it feel bubbly and welcoming and of home.  As I continued to marvel at the scenery of the grand castle I tilted my dead out of curiosity as I heard the sound of hoof steps out in the distance and a smile formed across my face as I was curious to the wonders awaited perhaps an animal of some sort. But I was shocked it was no animal nor creature I’ve seen before. I could see her fur was the most beautiful and shadowest of blues and her mane held a gorgeous sapphire color with several white sparks on it. Her form was similar to that of a gorgeous pigeon swan. She looked at me with a bit of confusion as if wondering why I was here and what I was. I wondered why I was in such a beautiful place next to such a being. I then felt light begin to fill my eyes and a groan was let out “Hmm eh.” I thought grogerly.\  “You slept in.” I stopped myself and I started opening my eyes to my room like a blur of colors. My room came to life disoriented with all my things, my posters and Mom. I could see her fern green eyes stare at me. She never did like when she had to wake me. I wish this wasn’t the case although I can not control my dreams. ”Sorry mom I had a strange dream.” I said. “Of course you were.” She stated with slight annoyance that made me feel guilty.  “You have to leave for classes in an hour, hurry up and get ready.” I pulled myself out of bed making sure to grab my uniform. I then went to the kitchen to find a plate of breakfast mom laid out for me.  I then began to absently chew on my noodles as I thought of that strange dream I had. I do not remember much of her appearance and it is a bit of a haze but I recall she had a dark and sapphire blue coat and mane but it is a blur not well into focus. Except for that of an image that comes to mind of a gleaming moon with crescent shaped white and blue fabric and dark shadowy blues like the ocean as a beautiful blue fabric. “Jinayu stop daydreaming!” mom yelled as I went back to reality. I felt a bit embarrassed. I do not wish to cause any distractions.  “Mom, how was your meeting with the diplomat of Talon last  night.” I asked, hoping to use her interest to change the subject. Mom let out a frustrated sigh.  “It went well but Jinayu, this is none of your concern. It is not relevant and what matters most is your education and your medal being training which I grow concerned about when you have these sleep problems.” I let out a sigh as I am aware that I have never really been all that good at avoiding the arising or cause of these sorts of situations.  Mom then let out a sigh “Jinayu you know I care about you and these sleep problems just aren’t the best.”  I let out another sigh knowing the truth of that. “Look Jinayu it is alright I know you try your best and these sleep problems aren’t your fault but can you at least promise me that you’re trying to get better sleep.”  I let out a warm smile at that “Sure thing mom.” I said with a smile of true warmth and care. Mom smiled back.  “That’s the spirit now go get ready for your classes your train leaves in twenty minutes let’s not be late.” Mom said. I eagerly nodded my head to go get ready for classes. The train ride didn’t take too long as the city is pretty close to the estate. A lot of them were mostly guards as well as business people that boarded the train station to go home but I didn't mind. It’s almost summer, finally no more classes, more freetime and finally a chance to make some more friends.  And so I just smiled when walking in the city and my classroom and my best friend Honji recently moved away a few weeks ago and I will admit that it has not been as easy not to have someone to mess around with but I will be able to have a chance to enjoy myself more. I then noticed that my history teacher stood up and I paid close attention because I knew that he had an announcement to give. “Attention students today we have two new students that will be joining our class due to special circumstances and so I want you to be on your best behavior so they can adjust to the requirements of school in Zaofu,” he stated.  “You may come out now.”  I looked in shock to see two very off brightly colored people about my age with colors that I didn’t even know people could have. One had a ginger skin that had a dark orange glow. While he had streaked hair with two colors of brillant tango and light orange he was unique to his character because he seemed to have a bubbly personality. I also could not quite tell his national origin either because his eyes did not look earther empire but I wasn’t sure if it was fire nation either it was less bold than some shades of fire nation I’ve seen on other fire nation my age and the red on to seemed to blend more with his eye color not like I’ve seen in other darker or more flashy colors of red. But I genuinely do not care whether or not he was fire nation because he looked like a nice guy to talk to and I would not mind the idea of getting to know him and the other fire nation origin children make good classmates here anyhow. The other I could see was clearly from Earth Empire origin but I will not discriminate and she had beautiful coloring with milky white skin as well as two beautiful shades of pink and purple on her hair that was designed in beautiful curls. She looked like a model as well as a kind and chastic person. I wouldn’t mind getting to know her and they would likely not mind either, they seem nice and a friend sounds nice. “Alright students these two are fairly new to the earth empire education system and were both labeled as absentic and so I want you to be on your best behavior because they’ll need time adjusting to our system of governing.” The teacher spoke. With a hint of sympathy in his tone that I’ve never heard often. I was in shock by the form of events and even felt sad for the no one should have to lose their memory. I wouldn’t know what to do if I suddenly started to forget about mom. I then saw that they went to wear I was sitting. “Hello” the boy my age said.  “My name is Button Mash.” He said with great enthusiasm and cheer I had to admit he was strange but I don’t mind and I like it personally.  “Hi my name is Sweetie Belle sorry they’re just nicknames my name is Mikazu and this is Daiku.” Mizaku siad with a bit of cheer and with a clear refined tone and care. “Alright students, today we are going to review more modern aspects of history. Can anyone tell me why it was necessary to take the Republic of Nations?” the teacher said. “Because it was stolen land and thus the rightful property of the earth empire.” I said with absolute truth the immortal words.  “Quite correct though I’d avoid any of you making it difficult for anyone else especially with some of us having a lot to learn.” The teacher spoke. The lecture then began with an explanation of every detail of the battle: the united forces and the avatar causing chaos and corruption while the Great Uniter brought order and peace even going as far as to sacrifice her fiance in the battle. I don’t ask mom about the battle very often.  I was curious to find out that they were both very intrigued about the battle, writing down seemingly every detail about the battle with a great level of insight than most. I even noticed they seemed concerned or even had concerns over certain topics. I understand why they feel this way. It is said that her friends really thought they were doing the right thing. They were just taught by people with the wrong ideas but the world knew now that the avatar was the source of chaos in the world. Though I know better than to force this idea onto people maintaining the peace and all that it’s what mom taught me and I personally wish to get to know them and I personally care more about the idea of making a friend than worrying over their beliefs. After class I went to my other classes but I couldn’t get them out of my head. They just genuinely seem like kind, compassionate and funny people to be around and I like those traits. When lunch came around I noticed that they were walking up to me. They had smiles on their faces which filled me with a sense of joy. “High there you’re name’s Jinayu right?” Mikazu asked  in a friendly and optimistic tone.  “Uhm yes you’re new here.” I said bringing in a conversation.  “Yes we came to this city a few weeks ago.” She stated. “Oh how are you liking it.” I asked with care knowing it’s not as easy adjusting to this city.  “ Uhm it’s been … difficult a lot of people assume I’m fire nation because of my eyes and I’ve been getting a lot of … comments.” Daiku said with genuine hurt that made me feel bad for him. No one should judge anyone based on their nationality.  “Okay that’s stupid first of all they don’t even know if you're a fire nation and lots of Earth Empire kids have bronze eyes and brown skin color, and it’s not like the fire nation is all that bad. I mean after the one hundred year war and who doesn’t like spicy meatballs they’re to die for.” I said with genuine joy for my love for fire nation culture and its people.  The two of them smiled at that. “You know you can sit with us if you want.” he offered. I couldn’t help but smile at the fact that I wouldn’t mind getting to know them and a friend sounds nice. We then went to sit and I could see a another strange yet unique looking girl that seems to be acquainted with them she had a cerile shade of skin that almost looked olive she had very pretty red hair that almost looked amaranth and I too could not tell her nation her eyes were gamboge very pretty though I could tell they did not look Earth Empire but I don’t mind.  “Howdy my name’s Minaku.” I noticed she seemed to have a southern Earth Empire accent which I don’t mind.  “Hi, I’m Jinayu you from the south.” I asked with curiosity.  “Yeah at least that’s what they think.  “Oh well I like it.’ I said with a smile.  “Thanks. “I’ve always liked the culture, especially the rodeos.” She said I could tell she was more country but I like that.  “I’ve never been to one but I hear they’re fun.” I said with optimism.  “Oh they are, especially when they have to ride those eel bulls, that's the funniest show.” She said with a slight snicker. I think I’m going to like her.  “Yeah it’s always fun getting all the popcorn and cotton candy at those places.” Daiku said with a goofy smile which I could not even not smile from and it was nice gaing a close relationship.  “Yeah I love those almost as good as spicy fire balls.” I said with joy. “Uhm yeah they’re delicious.” Minaku said with joy on the given treat. “Ha typical for a bunch of fire lilies.”  We heard a voice say I then saw a group of earth bender children approach us. “Oh please who cares what their national origin is.” I said with a groan.  “The son of the Great Uniter is one that one would think woul;d care about such things.” He started with arrogance.  “Well I don’t.” I said with annoyance.  “Well you should, they're not exactly the best around, I mean who do they think they are coming to the empire and corrupting everyone.”  Another boy said with a tone that made me full of rage. “Hey that’s not cool you don’t get to mess with them just because of how they look.” I said with care towards my new friends.  “Yeah we can it’s our earth empire not theirs.” another guy said.  “Our earth empire that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard people from other countries have been moving here for decades.” I stated.  “And they shouldn’t be able to.” he stated.  “Like that’s ever gonna happen if you think my mom’s zealistic enough to actually ban foreigners from coming here than you don’t know anything about her.” I said that made them go away. And the three of them smiled. “We were planning on playing kickball later today if you wanna come.” Mizaku offered. I just smiled with pure joy I finally have some friends. Later on when I got home from school mom noticed that I was in a particularly good mode. “Hey Jinayu are you feeling alright?” Mom asked.  “Oh yes it’s just I hung out with some friends after school.” Mom smiled at that.