//------------------------------// // Pinkie and the CMC'S // Story: The CMC's Wiggly Adventures: Funny Greg // by Big Imagination E //------------------------------// It's a nice day in Ponyville and everyone is going on about their business. The CMC'S were getting back from a comedy show and they couldn't stop laughing. "Oh man!!! That was a funny show!! I don't think I can stop laughing!!" Scootaloo said. "Me too! That comedian as made the best jokes ever!!" Sweetie Belle said. "He sure did!! Now let's head to our Wiggly Clubhouse to calm down." Apple Bloom said. The Crusaders were all in the clubhouse relaxing the day away. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Sweetie Belle went to check it but no one was there. Then to their surprise Pinkie came in and surprised them. "Hey girls!! Whatcha doing today?" Pinkie said "Pinkie! Don't scare us like that!! Anyways we were trying to rest. We just got back from seeing a comedy show." Apple Bloom said. "Oh I love comedy shows!! There so funny!!" Pinkie said. "Yes and that comedian Night Mic was so funny he made millions of ponies laugh." Sweetie Belle. Pinkie laughed and then she saw the TV the CMC'S had. "Hey what's that?" Pinkie said. "Oh that's the TV the girls and I found the other day." Apple Bloom said. "You found a TV?! Where was it?!" Pinkie said. "It landed somewhere in the Everfree Forest. But don't worry we didn't go too far in the forest." Scootaloo said. Pinkie gasped. "So you found a TV in the forest?! You are lucky that the creatures didn't eat you!!" Pinkie said. "Pinkie the only time we would never go in the forest is at night. That's the most dangerous time to be in." Sweetie Belle said. "Yeah true. But anyways how do you turn the TV on?" Pinkie said as she pushed the purple button. Once she did that the TV started acting funny again. Pinkie took the Crusaders and got ready in case it explodes. "Girls it's gonna blow!! I got my party cannon to blast it out!!" Pinkie said as she pulled out the cannon. "Pinkie there's no need for that!! Besides look!!" Sweetie Belle said. The TV stopped acting funny and played an image of the Wiggles singing and dancing with a furry brown dog. Once the picture began a song started playing. (Play 0:08 to 1:25) The Crusaders loved that song it was playing that they decided to dance along! Pinkie saw them dancing to the music that she decided to join in. The song was so good that it lasted for a few minutes. Once it was over they all posed and the TV turned off. "Wowie!! That was fun!! Who were those guys?" Pinkie said. "These are the Wiggles!! They love to sing and dance!! And boy their fun!!" Scootaloo said. "When we first met them we were a little scared but as time went by we got to know them better. Anthony even offered us to perform with them at their concerts!" Apple Bloom said. "You made new friends?! I wish I could have thrown a party for them!!" Pinkie said. "When they come and visit us you can. But how's about we hear another song?" Sweetie Belle said. "Sure!! I love to hear another song!!" Pinkie said. Sweetie Belle pressed the button again and showed an image of them singing and dancing with Dorothy the Dinosaur. That song made everyone dance along to the beat and they loved it. They danced and they even acted out the parts in the song. Scootaloo acted out the dog catcher. And Sweetie Belle acted out the police officer. When the song ended they all sat down catching their breath. "Oh wow!! That was even more fun!! I wish my friends could see this!" Pinkie said. "One day they will. Anyways Pinkie. Could we head to Sugarcube Corner and get some milkshakes?" Sweetie Belle said. "Absolutely!! Come on girls!!" Pinkie said. They all headed to Sugarcube Corner for a sweet treat. Each of them had a milkshake. Sweetie Belle had a vanilla milkshake. Apple Bloom has a strawberry milkshake. And Scootaloo has a chocolate milkshake. They were all enjoying their company til Apple Bloom had an idea. "Hey girls. I wonder what the Wiggles are up to today. Should we go visit them?" Apple Bloom said. "Yeah we should! Maybe they can teach us some new dances!" Scootaloo said. "Ok then! Let's go visit the Wiggles!!" Sweetie Belle said. "Wait girls!" Pinkie said and the Crusaders stopped. "Can I come and visit them too? I really like to meet your new friends!" Pinkie said. "Well...ok Pinkie you can come meet them." Apple Bloom said. "Yippee!! Time to meet some new friends!!" Pinkie said. They all headed to the clubhouse and got ready to head off to see the Wiggles. But before they could go they had to explain to Pinkie what's about to happen next. "Ok Pinkie. What's about to happen next is we are going to travel through a portal all the way to the Wiggles house. Once there you will get to meet them." Scootaloo said. "Okie dokie lokie!!! Now let's get a move on!!" Pinkie said. She pressed the rainbow button and the portal opened up. The CMC'S and Pinkie all jumped in and it closed. They all traveled through the vortex of color while hearing a song. Pinkie was more excited that she was going to meet new friends. The CMC'S couldn't help but smile and move foward til they reached the light having them arrive to the Wiggles place.