> The Vigilante Of CHS > by Joshua the Dragonslayer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1. Meeting Of Destiny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking down the halls of Canterlot High, a young boy by the name of Y/N looked around. Y/N was your typical loner otaku who liked anime and video games, but sometimes being alone can be a bit... lonely. Looking around and seeing other students walking and talking with their friends, Y/N envied them wishing he had some friends of his own. Arriving at his locker, Y/N unlocked his locker and started to put whatever he didn't need in his backpack in his locker. The school day was over and Y/N was looking for nothing more than to get back to his house and either play some video games or catch up on some anime he had fallen behind thanks to all the homework he had received. Closing his locker, Y/N sighed to himself, what a boring life he had. No one to hang out with, go to lunch or the arcade with, play video games, or watch anime, just Y/N. "I guess it's best to head home, I've been wanting to catch up on the latest episodes of One Piece for a while." Making sure he had everything with him, Y/N began to make his way towards the exit of the school. Before he could walk outside, however, something caught the corner of his eye. Turning his direction Y/N's attention moved to a wall with a piece of paper on it. "The Anime Club, huh?" The dream of otaku's all around the world, the Anime Club! 'Something I love and a way I could partake in conversation with others who have the same hobby as me? Count me in!' Without wasting a second, Y/N quickly made his way towards the Anime Club, with a smile on his face. 'This could be my chance to finally make some friends!' "Sorry kid, you're too late. We don't have any more spots available." Over, before Y/N's chance could even begin, it was over before it could even start. But of course, who wouldn't want to join the Anime club? It was the Anime Club, one of, if not, the most popular club the school offered! "Oh, okay... thank you. Sorry for wasting your time." The teacher nodded his head and went back into the class probably to make sure the kids weren't fighting over who was stronger between Goku and Naruto as Y/N sadly walked away. "How could I be so stupid? Why didn't I think the club was already full? It's the Anime Club, the Anime Club!" Y/N sighed to himself as he went to a vending machine to purchase a snack. As Y/N waited for his snack he began to think to himself. 'I guess my dream of having friends will never come true, will it? No matter what I do or try to do, it never seems to prevail in success.' "Whatever seems to be the problem with you, Y/N?" Snapping him out of his thoughts, Y/N turned his head and saw a classmate of his. Her name was Trixie Lulamoon, or as she liked to call her, The Great and Powerful Trixie. She had blue skin, and silky smooth bluish-white hair which was tied to a ponytail at the back of her head. She wore her typical outfit which consisted of a vest with buttons that covered her purple skirt, with a graphic design of a magic wand over a sparkling crescent moon over blue and purple boots. Y/N knew her from Math Class, and from what he remembered, Trixie wasn't the best but then again neither was he. Y/N gave a small wave and smile to Trixie. "Oh hey, Trixie. I'm all right, I'm just-" "Struggling to find somewhere to fit in?" Trixie asked, cutting Y/N off. Y/N's eyes widened as he looked at Trixie in shock. "Are you a mind reader now or something?" "The Great and Powerful Trixie never reveals her secrets." Trixie boasted which made Y/N deadpan. Seeing that she wasn't getting the response that she wanted, Trixie sighed. "Okay fine, Trixie heard you talking to yourself about not being able to join the Anime Club." "Oh. You heard that?" Y/N silently cursed to himself. 'I guess I was louder than I thought.' Seeing Y/N down in the dumps, Trixie had an idea. "Come with me Y/N, Trixie has just the thing for you." Y/N looked at Trixie in confusion, but seeing that he had nothing better to do he agreed. Nodding his head and retrieving his snack, Y/N began to follow Trixie, wherever they were heading. "Uh, Trixie? Not that I have a problem with you helping... I think." Y/N made sure to whisper that last part. "Why are you helping me in the first place? No offense, but you sorta have a record around here about you being an egotistical narcissist." Trixie looked back at Y/N for a second before focusing on what was in front of her. "N-not that I believe them of course, I'm just confused about why you want to help me is all." Y/N heard Trixie let out a small laugh. "The Great and Powerful Trixie, understands completely Y/N. It's true that Trix- I can be quite a bit at times." Trixie suddenly stopped and looked down at the hallway floor. "My dad was a very popular magician and was loved by many. Being his daughter, many thought I would be just as great as him. But..." "You don't have the same talent or skills as your father." Trixie looked at Y/N and nodded her head. It was true that Trixie had also tried to use magic but to no avail was she successful in her attempts. That made her a target to being bullied, but Trixie had always stayed strong shutting out all the hatred, and continued to practice her magical skills. Y/N had always seen Trixie from afar and he had an idea that Trixie was hiding her true self locked inside. The whole Great and Powerful was nothing but an act. Walking over to her, Y/N placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, I'm sure you're doing your best. I'm sure you'll be just as great as your father, maybe even better! You're not your father, you're you, so be yourself and do things your way." Trixie looked up at Y/N and smiled. "Thank you, Y/N." Y/N and Trixie made eye contact and smiled at one another. "Hey, Trixie! We're heading home for the day!" The sound of a voice snapped Trixie and Y/N away from each other. They both turned and saw two girls waving at Trixie. "All right, girls. Lavender, Fuchsia, don't forget we have practice tomorrow." The girls nodded their heads and waved goodbye as they began their journey home. Y/N remembered those two girls, they were a part of Trixie's band, the Illusions, during the Battle of the Bands, the one on the left was Lavender while the one on the right was Fuchsia. "Well, it seems we were closer than Trixie thought." Y/N turned his attention to where Trixie was. "This is the Magic Club!" Trixie opened the door and Y/N followed in. Looking around the room, Y/N was in shock. "This is amazing!" There was so much magic equipment in the room that Y/N didn't even know what half of it was. "I can't believe the amount of equipment you need to make those magic shows you put on. I'm impressed." "Well thank you, it's glad that Trixie gets some recognition for all the things that I do to put on a show for all of you." Y/N rolled his eyes as he continued to look at all the cool things in the room. "I know it isn't the Club that you wanted to join but if you want to... you could join this Club." Y/N stopped what he was doing and looked back at Trixie. "It's just Trixie and her teammates, but it's always nice to have another member. You could help us put on performances for everyone. The two girls are nice so I'm sure you can get along with them." 'Well I do want to make friends and she did offer me this opportunity and who knows when the next opportunity could show itself to me. Plus, Trixie isn't that bad, if anything, she's pretty nice. Both pretty and nice... wait what?' Y/N looked over to see Trixie waiting for his answer with a smile on her face, a smile that made Y/N blush. Shaking his head, Y/N made his decision. "All right, I'll join your Club." Y/N smiled and when Trixie's smile grew it only made Y/N happier. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is pleased to have you as this Club's newest member! Welcome Y/N!" Trixie then grabbed her wand and walked over to Y/N. She then began to wave her wand around which confused Y/N. "May your wildest dreams come true while you're a part of this Club." Trixie then pointed the tip of the wand at Y/N and ever so slightly poked his forehead with it. Y/N looked at her confused as Trixie just smiled. "It's something I do with every member that joins this Club." "I see..." As Trixie walked away to get her backpack, Y/N looked at himself. 'I don't feel anything different. Perhaps it takes a while for the magic to work its stuff? Or maybe Trixie didn't even use magic and just did some sort of Club tradition they do? Whatever it was I hope it worked, maybe my dream will come true. I'll just wait, I already had to wait for years I can wait a bit longer.' "Clubs are over for the day but you can always come tomorrow." Y/N looked at Trixie and nodded. Grabbing his backpack, Trixie and Y/N walked out of the Club and locked the door behind them. "I expect to see you tomorrow after school, Y/N." "I'll be there for sure Trixie." Trixie smiled and waved to Y/N. Y/N waved back as Trixie left leaving Y/N all to himself. "Well, I guess I should start making my way home." Looking at the club one more time with a smile on his face, Y/N started to make his way home. It was later that night and Y/N was home alone. His parents were working so he had the place to himself, not that he had a problem with that. Being only gave Y/N the chance to play video games and watch anime all to himself without having to be interrupted by his parents. However, this time Y/N wasn't doing either of those things, he was lying in bed looking up at the ceiling. 'I still can't believe Trixie is giving me the chance to join her Club, she didn't have to do that. Even though people may say she's egotistical or a narcissist but... she really is a nice person. I always have known that after all.' Flashback... It was Junior year and Y/N was on the school rooftop eating his lunch by himself... like always. But that was okay with him, he liked eating lunch by himself, it gave him the chance to either do his homework, do some studying, or watch some anime. It was a routine Y/N had grown accustomed to doing upon, well, his whole time in school. So Y/N was on top of the school rooftop looking down at everyone else hanging out with their friends, having a blast eating and conversing with them, something that Y/N wished he had. Looking down he noticed a girl sitting by herself looking sad, she looked like she was a freshman and unlike everyone else, she wasn't eating lunch. 'I wonder why that girl looks so sad.' It seems Y/N wasn't the only one to notice something up with the girl. Walking toward the girl was a girl with blue skin and bluish-white hair. Y/N realized the girl was Trixie, and she was walking up to the girl. Y/N watched as Trixie approached the saddened girl and started talking to her. Being so far up Y/N couldn't hear what they were saying but Y/N watched as Trixie listened to the girl, smiled, and then waved her wand around and tapped her magic hat with her wand. Her hand then entered the hat and out came a lunchbox in her hand. The girl who was originally sad gasped in surprise and when Trixie handed over the lunchbox, the girl smiled. Seeing the girl smile made Y/N happy and when Trixie waved and started to walk away Y/N looked as she walked away as the girl started to eat the food in the lunchbox. Y/N watched Trixie for the rest of lunch. She was sitting next to Sunset Shimmer and her friends, who were some of the most popular girls at the school with how they seemed to always save the day when danger happened. Watching them made Y/N jealous but he pushed those feelings away. When the lunch bell rang Y/N cleaned his stuff up and started to make his way to his next class. While walking to class, however, he realized something. 'Trixie never ate anything.' End of Flashback... Sure there was always the chance Trixie had eaten her lunch before she saw the girl but... Y/N thought otherwise. Yes, it could've been just a coincidence that Trixie just happened to give the girl a lunchbox and Y/N never saw her eat anything that day but Y/N was almost positive that Trixie had given that girl her own lunch so that the girl could eat something for lunch even if it cost her own hunger. It was then that Y/N remembered something else that happened that same day. Flashback... It was the last period of the day and Y/N was in Science Class, a class that he also shared with Trixie. They had been given quite a different test, one that the class had prepared a whole week in advance. After finishing the test and waiting for the end of the period to get the test results Y/N was pleased with the huge red A on the top of his test paper. '94% not bad.' Looking around the class, Y/N saw the faces of both happy and sad students. His attention turned to the front of the class where the teacher was talking to Trixie near his desk. With Y/N's desk being close to the teachers, he may or may not have started to eavesdrop. "Trixie, what happened? Normally you do so well on my tests, this is unlike you to score so low." Y/N was able to get a sneak peak and sure enough, a huge red C- with a 76% next to it was on Trixie's paper. Now Trixie wasn't the smartest student in the class, that title belonged to Twilight Sparkle by a mile, but Trixie was a close second or third so seeing one of the top students low like that was shocking to Y/N. "I'm sorry, Mr. Dingleberry. I guess I just wasn't on my A-game today." Y/N noticed Trixie's sad expression and it made him feel bad. Just then a very silent rumbling sound could be heard and from the sounds of it, it sounded like it was coming from Trixie's stomach. The teacher heard it and raised an eyebrow at Trixie. "Not eat enough at lunch?" "Uh, no, Mr. Dingleberry. My stomach has just been a bit... uneasy today is all." Even from the sound of Trixie's voice did she believe what came out of her mouth? But the teacher nodded his head and let Trixie go back to her seat, hoping that the next test they had would have better results. End of Flashback... "She really is a nice girl and deserves more credit than she gets." Y/N turned his head and opened his phone. No new notifications, nothing new. But the time, however... 12:35!? "Wow, I must've gotten lost in my thoughts. I better get heading to bed." It was a good thing Y/N had already done all his nightly things and was in his pajamas. Y/N got up, turned off his bedroom, and got into bed. Before going to bed, Y/N looked up at the ceiling one last time before drifting off to sleep. 'Perhaps going to Trixie's club could make my dreams come true.' Y/N then got himself comfortable and before he knew it, his weariness got the best of him as the darkness clouded his vision... "Y/N, wake up." A voice echoed. Was someone trying to wake you up? Y/N rubbed his eyes and stood up. "Huh? Woah!" If Y/N wasn't awake now he definitely was now. Looking around Y/N wasn't in his room, he was in a dark red room with a huge throne before him, and sitting on that throne was a... monster? Mutant? Y/N didn't know but the... whatever it was, had a skeleton head with blue flames coming out of it. Standing in front of the throne and the huge person in front of him, Y/N gulped. "Who are you?" The skeleton's mouth opened with flames coming out. "My name is the Overseer, and I need your help." The monster/mutant thing who was now known as the Overseer spoke as his voice echoed throughout the room. Y/N continued to look at Overseer in surprise. Who or what was this person and why did they need his help? 'Well this was definitely not how I expected this day to go.'