> Unforgiven Broken Bonds > by Snugglewarmscale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitch quickly entered the station; closing and locking the doors after he had gotten inside. He walked over to the only cell in the station, a cell that they rarely had to use. As he entered the cell he looked down at the dragon he held in his hooves. Sparky, his son, was nuzzled comfortably against his chest. His once green scales now dim and almost completely faded. His body felt cold and he looked lethargic. He had fallen asleep the moment they got him back to the Brighthouse. He walked over to the cot and gently placed his son on the bed. His baby whimpered and cried a little, his tiny claws reaching out for him. Fresh tears threatened to fall from his eyes. He climbed into the cot next to his son. He layed next to him allowing his baby to curl up and cuddled with him. Sparky felt ice cold to the touch. He was so cold it started to make him worry. What in the world had Opaline done to him? Did she drain too much of his Dragon fire? Was his son....dying? What could he do to stop it? Why didn't he notice his son was missing sooner? Why did he let his son get kidnapped? How could he let Misty? “Misty.” That name alone filled him with so much rage. Not only did she have a part in this, she was the one who kidnapped him, the one who brought him to Opaline. How could she do something like this? She managed to fool all of them into believing she was their friend. She managed to get them to lower their guard. She almost got his baby! A whimper from his son tore him from his train of thought. He looked at him; watching as the little dragon slowly crawled up to his chest, he stopped and rested his head where he chest met his neck. He started to purr again as his tiny arms and legs clung to his fathers warm body. Now, Hitch started to cry, he cried tears of pain and sadness. He also cried some tears of joy. He was thankful, very thankful, grateful even to have his son back. It could have ended worse, much worse, the thought alone sent a shiver down his spine. Sure, Misty did help them at the last minute. But, that didn't automatically make everything okay between her and him. She still kidnapped his baby, she brought him to some maniac who nearly killed him, and now he was drained of his color and shivering cold like a leaf in winter. He wondered how they could forgive her so easily? “We don't hate you.” “We don't hate anypony.” “What you did was wrong.” “Really, wrong.” “But, what you did was right.” “Really, right.” He cursed his so called friends. “Damn, all of you.” He gasped and quickly covered his mouth with his hoof. He just cussed while in front of his baby. “Great, now I have another reason to be angry with them.” He shook his head and just layed their with his son. His mind wondered and various ideas ran through his mind. His son was almost killed. The mare responsible with forgiven by the others. Meaning she was free to do whatever she wants, for all they knew she could already be plotting to kidnap his son again. No, he is the sheriff of the town, he could easily put a restraining order on her. Have her forced to stay out of town. Have her forced to never come back. And, if she did, oh, if she did he would make her.......”What am I thinking?!” He shook his head free of those thoughts. Even if he did get a restraining order put on her, all Sunny would have to do was change into her alicorn form. No one listened to her when she was an earth pony. But, since getting that new form and restoring magic. Ponies had been listening to her....well a few ponies made it difficult. But, they eventually came around. Knowing her she would change into her form and tell everypony Misty was forgiven. She would probably go as far as to come up with some sob story for her. It also didn't just have to be her either. Both Pipp and Zipp were royalty and Izzy was the only unicorn who even bothered to care about restoring magic. There was really nothing he could do. He was outmatched, outclassed, and outnumbered here. There was no way he could protect his son in Maretime Bay. “Wait a minute.” He couldn't protect his son “IN” Maretime Bay. He didn't need to think this thought over. He got up and turned back to his son. He gently rubbed his head while whispering. “I'll be right back.” He exited the cell and quickly started gathering a few supplies. He gather some important things, camping gear, bits that he had stashed away, food for both him and his baby. He gather all that he could carry before getting his baby carrier on. He walked back to the cell and picked up his son, placing him in the carrier before he walked over to his desk. He placed his badge on the desk and walked out of the station. Hitch slowly turned and gazed back at a town he once called home. A town he had lived in for almost all of his life. A town he would never see again, a town Sparky would never see again. He turned away and continued walking down the dirt road. Eventually, he reached a fork in the road, one way lead to Bridlewood, the other no one had any clue where it went. He turned down that road and continued walking away from Maretime Bay. Sunny slowly walked up to the station, she had a feeling Hitch was there, all of them were worried about him and Sparky. She never saw him look that angry before. Yes, Sparky was hurt, but so was Misty and she felt sorry for what she had done. If anything she was just as much a victim as he was. Maybe, if she could talk to him alone, she would be able to calm him down. Who knows? Maybe all of them could work together to help find a way to heal Sparky. When she reached the doors to the station, she gently pushed them open, she called out. “Hitch.” She entered the station and continued. “Hitch.” There was nopony there. She looked around wondering where both he and Sparky was. That was when her eyes caught a feint glimmer on his desk, she looked at it and gasped when she saw what it was, it was Hitch's badge. Worry gripped her mind as she looked around the station. She called their names out trying to find them. But, they were already gone. The light from the crystal brighthouse glitched for a moment. A small orb shot from the rainbow and flew out and away from the city, it was heading right for Hitch. He noticed a glow coming form behind him. He turned barely managing to duck at the last possible second. The orb landed in front of him, it had turned into the holographic form of Twilight Sparkle. He gazed at it with an uncaring look before saying. “Not interested in what you have to say.” He walked through the hologram just as it started talking. He didn't care what she had to say, he had to get his son out of harms way. Nothing, she could say would make him go back. He was leaving and there was nothing she could do. What could she do anyway, she was dead. For a moment he stopped and turned back around. The hologram was gone, but something had been left in it's place. He questioned. “What the?” He walked back towards the object, he noticed that it was a pathfinder compass. A compass that didn't show the directions, it only pointed in the direction you needed to go. He looked at it and saw the arrow, it was pointing away from Maretime Bay, pointing towards somewhere up the road. He turned around and followed the arrows direction. When he found the way it was pointing he followed it. Maybe Twilight Sparkle was agreeing with him? He heard his son whine a little; he gently rubbed his back before saying. “It's okay Sparky.” He looked at the pathfinder again before continuing. “It's going to be okay.” He continued following the path.